Frinday and Saturday

Friday and Saturday
Wow it really does take a long long time to get here...I’d forgotten just how long. 

My day has been a series of flights.... 1st to London, then to Shanghai and eventually Harbin! 28 hours in total. 

Thankfully I made it through all the safety checks, passport controls and even didn’t loose any luggage (which I have to admit was my biggest fear). 

Breakfast on the plane was surely a taste of things to come: rice and pork in a sweet and sour sauce. Not my usual breakfast option but when in China, eat like the Chinese. Can’t wait to see what the rest of my meals are like. 

Well eventually midnight on Saturday has came and I’m ready for a bed—- except it’s only lunchtime in the UK and my body hasn’t fully adjusted yet. Must try and get some shut eye. 

Night night everyone...


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